Please complete the following form to provide us with the final details we need to begin your quilt and start spreading the love.

Final Quilt Details

Your Name(Required)
Quilt Recipient's Name(Required)
Please provides the names and email addresses of people you would like us to invite to participate in this group gift (e.g., Jane Doe - [email protected], John Smith - [email protected]). We require that 15 squares be purchased before the quilt is sewn and recommend listing as many names in the quilt recipient's support network as possible. Quiltlove will email these people an invitation to purchase a quilt square and follow up reminders. We will also email a link to photos of the final quilt to everyone who purchased a square. We will never sell or give away your email addresses.
Is this an "open" group quilt?(Required)
Is this quilt a surprise?
Shipping Address for Quilt(Required)
Use of Photos in Marketing?
I often share photos of my work in progress and finished quilts on social media to grow my brand and engage with my Quiltlove community. To preserve privacy (and the surprise factor, if applicable), I never use names, specific details or locations associated with quilts in any posts. Please indicate if you are OK with this approach.
E.g., Google search, social media, friends and family

Questions? Check out our FAQ.