quilt in
Loving Memory
Comfort those experiencing grief with the gift of a memorial quilt, made with love and support from friends and relatives.
Why We Love Memorial Quilts
The process of contributing a square to a patchwork quilt can also be therapeutic to grieving friends and family members, offering both a group activity and a creative outlet.
We also make memorial quilts with squares from your loved one’s clothing. Learn more here.
You identify the group and choose the colors, we do the rest.
Give a Memorial Quilt
Honor the memory of a loved one with a handmade quilt, featuring squares made from family and friends that include heartfelt images, messages, prayers and more.
Our quilts can provide bereaved loved ones with the comfort of a warm hug, and a physical reminder of their support network during the exceptionally difficult time following a loss.
Pet Memorial Gifts
Quilts as Memorial Gifts
Spreading the love has never been so cozy.
Check out other groups’ quilts, learn about more ways to support your loved ones, and read about our latest news, special offers and partnerships.