In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, I’m thrilled to announce Quiltlove’s support for the inspirational nonprofit Casting for Recovery (CfR). I first learned about CfR at my local Cancer Support Community’s Hope Walk in May, where I met Sara Lighthall, a breast cancer survivor and CfR volunteer. Sara is warm, energetic and instantly likable. The fact that she also loves to sew is icing on the cake. When she told me about CfR, I was immediately intrigued.

Casting for Recovery’s mission is to enhance the quality of life of women with breast cancer through (free!) retreats that combine breast cancer education and peer support with the sport of fly fishing.

The gentle motion of fly casting serves as physical therapy to those who have undergone radiation or surgery, while the opportunity to connect with nature and others provides women with emotional healing and support.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Sara leads the Northern California retreats, where she wears many hats. She coordinates everything from participant logistics and lodging, to psych-social and medical specialists, to river guides and fishing instructors. Sara learned about Casting for Recovery through a brochure when she was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She attended a retreat, had a “magical” experience, took on breast cancer, and the rest is history.

As a participant, being on this retreat gave me a weekend where I was with other people who I didn’t have to explain myself to. They got what I was talking about and I felt comfortable and safe. I loved being in nature and learning a new skill: how to fly fish.

Sara lighthall, Casting for recovery, northern california retreat leader

When Sara brought up the idea of potentially joining forces, I had no choice but to say yes. I love that Casting for Recovery combines social and emotional support with nature and physical activity. The fact that the chapters are run by the most committed and passionate volunteers also speaks to the impact of their work. What’s more, CfR has a Platinum ranking on Guidestar and four stars on Charity Navigator.

How Quiltlove is Supporting Casting for Recovery

First, Quiltlove is donating ten percent of proceeds from all Breast Cancer Support Quilts purchased in October to Casting for Recovery. Simply indicate “breast cancer support” in the occasion field when purchasing a quilt this month. Quiltlove will take care of the rest: a straight donation, with no strings attached and no financial cap.

Second, Quiltlove is donating a voucher for a free custom quilt to Casting for Recovery’s annual online auction. The auction is one of CfR’s main fundraising activities, which helps make its incredible retreats free for women going through treatment for breast cancer. Check back for the link. Let’s bid it up!

Photo Credit: Casting for Recovery

How are You Feeling about Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

I know that for many people Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a complex time. Care is appreciated, but the tidal wave of pink ribbons can be overwhelming — or even troublesome.

Are you currently, or have you gone through treatment for breast cancer? How are you feeling? I would love to hear from you.

As always, thanks for reading.


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